斗彩瓷,是以斗彩为主要装饰手法的瓷器品种,因其纹饰中釉下青花色与釉上彩色同时出现好似争奇斗艳而得名。是以釉下青花作为一种色青而与釉上多种色彩相结合的瓷器装饰技法。斗彩瓷器画面中的蓝色部分先以釉下青花描绘并且留白,上釉烧成后再用釉上彩料彩绘其留白部分,最后入炉烘烧而成。“斗”景德镇方言意思是:几种东西合并组合在一起。斗彩就是把几种色彩组合在一起的技法。斗彩是一种釉上、釉下都有彩的彩色瓷。 Bucket color porcelain, is the color as the main varieties of porcelain adornment gimmick, because of its decorative glaze green in color and glaze color appears as if trying to outshine each other at the same time the name. Is under glaze blue and white as a color green combined and a variety of color and glaze of porcelain decorative techniques. Bucket color porcelain picture in blue part with under glaze blue and white painted and white first, reoccupy after glaze firing glaze color material painted on the white part of the charging charred. "Fight" jingdezhen dialect means that several things merge together. Bucket color is to make several color combinations together techniques. Bucket color is a kind of glazes, have color of colored porcelain glaze. 斗彩最早首创于宣德时期。而明代斗彩最为著名的则是成化斗彩。清代景德镇御窑厂则在形色相依相衬,同时又相辅相成。现代斗彩仍然以景德镇为首推,而在景德镇内部宝瓷林则为在工艺及色彩方面不仅保持着传统,并且也有自己的创新。不过,由于年代久远,明朝宣德年间的斗彩瓷器留世稀少,所以价值也愈发不菲。 Bucket color originally pioneered in xuande period. And in the Ming dynasty the color of the most famous is the chenghua fights the color. While the qing dynasty, jingdezhen imperial plant shape dependent phase contrast of color, and complementary to each other at the same time. Modern bucket color still in jingdezhen, for first, and internal treasure porcelain in jingdezhen Lin is in the process and color not only keep the traditional, and have their own innovation. However, due to long time, the Ming dynasty xuande emperor of bucket color porcelain for the rare, so the value also more expensive. 此对青花斗彩花卉纹双狮铺首盖罐,整个瓷器胎土轻薄洁白,胎质紧密规整。通体施白釉,釉质光润亮洁。罐内沿以青花饰海水纹一周,以斗彩饰缠枝花卉纹,简洁美观。彩绘立体双狮刻于冠盖之上,双目炯炯,狮须飘动,四肢伸展,健硕有力意气风发;凤凰细目弯颈,翎毛丰满,长尾华丽飘逸。罐外壁青花莲花纹,造型生动,笔法独特。外底中央双圈内以青花书“大明宣德年制”书体严谨。整体画面。复杂多彩、色调喧哗,成为此时期让人惊艳的特色,有极大的收藏价值。 This shop you fight exotic flower of blue and white lines double lion first pot cover, the whole soil thin white porcelain womb, TaiZhi tightly structured. Full-bodied white glaze, enamel sleek brightening. Tank along with green ornamental design water lines for a week, with enamel bound branch flowers lines, concise and beautiful. Coloured drawing or pattern stereo double lion carved on the canopy, intense eyes, the lion fluttering, stretched, powerful high-spirited; The phoenix breakdown curved neck, feather plump, gorgeous and elegant long tail. Outside the tank wall green Hualien pattern, modelling is vivid, unique brushwork. Outsole central double circle in blue book "da Ming xuande years" rigorous style. The overall picture. Complex and colorful, color noise, the characteristic of this period are amazing and has great value of collection. 不过,明宣德成化以后斗彩器的生产进入低潮,万历斗彩更无创新之举,传世多为仿成化的制品,纹样也仿成化,但由于胎釉淘洗精细度不同以及器物制作、烧成上的细微变化,都不可避免地留有万历朝特征。如婴戏图小杯,初看与真品无异,但仔细分辨不难发现:其口较真品微撇,整体造型不如真品秀美,色彩也不如真品柔丽。 However, xuande Ming chenghua after production of color into the low tide, wanli bucket color no more innovation, handed down from ancient times to copy more chenghua products, grain appearance also copy chenghua, but due to the embryo glaze elutriation fidelity and implements production, firing on different subtle changes, there are inevitably wan li. Such as baby play figure small cup, at first glance and genuine, but careful resolution is not hard to find: its mouth is real micro prime, overall modelling as genuine beauty, color is not as good as the real thing and soft. 此对百年珍希难得一遇的大明宣德年制款青花斗彩花卉纹双狮铺首盖罐,拍品编号2151号,将于2019年1月22日,1月23日在香港柯士甸道西一号环球贸易广场100楼天际100预展,2019年1月24日9点在香港弥敦道20号喜来登五星级大酒店三楼宴会厅进行拍卖,期待各位嘉宾,藏家,爱好者的光临。 |
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